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A Tale of NYC vs Florida by a New Yorker

Harvey’s Introduction

This is a tale of a New York family who moved to Florida during the pandemic. She could make the smart family decision. think of all the people who had to live with the decisions of Governor Cuomo and Mayor DiBlasio.

Review of the Israel/Palestine Story and Media Coverage

Harvey’s Introduction

This is a reasonably thorough review of the conflict and the media coverage of it. Originally written in 2014 but completely applicable today.

Why Maxine Waters Wanted a Mistrial for Derek Chauvin

Harvey’s Introduction

I don’t know what Maxine Waters was thinking when she attempted to intimidate the jury in Minneapolis at the Dennis Chauvin trial or if she was simply bored and wanted to appear on TV, but she certainly helped the defense in its argument for a mistrial. If its granted, you can guess that we will see an outbreak of violence across the country, with the attendant rioting and looting. If he is not granted a retrial, you can be sure BLM will take it as a clear signal that jury intimidation is alive and well. To me BLM and its supporters are the mirror image of the KKK and their intimidation tactics.

Harvey’s Introduction

Charges of racism abound across the world. The U.K. government commissioned a study of racism in that country. Their report was published and summary provided in this opinion essay in the Wall Street Journal. Maybe we should organize the same kind of commission in this country.

How Trump Got Control of the Border

Harvey’s Introduction

This is reasonably complete review of how Trump got control of our southern border and did so without any Democrat help.

The Icons of the Left Collapse

Harvey’s Introduction

I’m way behind so I’m posting a number of articles without an introduction. I’ll try to catch up later

Cuomo and the Complicit Media

Harvey’s Introduction

I’m way behind so I’m posting a number of articles without an introduction. I’ll try to catch up later

Who Actually Won the Election – Biden or Trump

Harvey’s Introduction

Dennis Prager wrote an interesting article after the presidential election expressing his agnosticism about the election results. I share many of his questions as well. I wont be satisfied that Biden won honestly until there is am independent audit of the mail-in ballots.

The Dark Side of the Minimum Wage

Harvey’s Introduction

Economists have known for years that raising the minimum wage above market rates harms the very people it is supposed to help. By misleading the public, Democrat politicians can pretend to help the poor while actually hurting them. I don’t know if these politicians are ignorant, stupid or malevolent. Maybe all three.

Andrew Cuomo Was a Villain All Along

Dr Shanker is a radiologist who works in the health policy arena. This article reviews some of the many failures of Governor Cuomo. Remember, this is the New York Governor who was lauded for his leadership during the Covid crisis, received an Emmy for his press conferences and constantly praised for his great leadership in comparison to red state governors like DeSantis of Florida. He certainly is articulate and presentable. He also is a liar and his policies directly lead to the deaths of thousands of people and then he lied about it and tried to move the blame to others. Despicable.

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